Beat the Air Pollution by using the N95 Masks with Valve Particulate

Both spells of air pollution- long & short can cause an equipotential effect on human organs. And a recent report by The Lancet 2015, popular medical journal with a sole authoritative voice worldwide claimed that more 3 million people die every year.  Several cities throughout the world have implemented creative air pollution measures, such as bike sharing in Paris, pool cabbing in India, and congestion charging in London. With the sudden change in air quality, it’s worth noting that many pedestrians and cyclists opt to wear masks rather than wait for the government to establish policies, which may take a long time. These masks protect against hazardous compounds in the air while also obstructing small dust particles.

Beat the Air Pollution by using the N95 Masks with Valve Particulate

Risk and its reduction

Particles and diverse gases such as ozone, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and a vast variety of volatile compounds fill our atmosphere (VOCs). These gases are poisonous. What we should be more concerned about are the particles that are less than 2.5 microns in size and have the greatest impact on air quality. People are recommended to wear masks to limit their exposure to harmful particles. Masks come in a variety of sizes and shapes. And these masks have a protection factor given to them; for example, if the protection factor is 5, the mask will only filter 5% of the air. These masks are readily accessible in stores and on the internet. Paper dust masks and N95 masks are two of the most widely accessible masks.

These paper dust masks are mostly ineffective. N95 respirators, on the other hand, can filter out at least 95% of air and have been found to be effective in permitting clean air passage through the nose and mouth. It eliminates particles smaller than 0.5 microns on average. According to study, it does not filter gases but easily blocks particulates in the air.

N95 masks for Industrial exposure

These masks are only worn by those who operate in industrial settings and are exposed to dust and tiny particles. They’re governed by the NPPTL (National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory), which is part of the NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) which is again part of (centre for disease and control).

Now, we know that purchasing this highly effective mask from a licenced N95 valve manufacturer is beneficial. Is it possible for a layperson with no medical training to tell if a N95 mask is genuine? The solution is simple: mask manufacturers design masks with filtration in mind, but not with comfort in mind. Earlier this year, during the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, the protective N95 masks that we used experienced breathing concerns, which were not present today. As a result, it’s critical to check the back of the container to see if the mask has passed NIOSH’s stringent requirements.

So at the end of the day, we can easily use N95 masks with valves to protect against micro-organisms as well as against deadly Delta variants too.

Published by Harpreet Randhawa

I am an entrepreneur, owner of Rhysley group, which is into manufacturing, wholesale and export of 3 ply surgical disposable masks, n95 masks, n99 masks, cotton masks, surgical gloves, disposable caps, disposable shoe covers and surgical gowns.

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